What is DevRank?
Your position in our leaderboards depends on your DevRank:
DevRank is a way of measuring the importance of your changes to open-source software projects.
It takes into consideration:
- The number of changes you've made to a project
How many people have starred (liked) a project since you contributed to it, and their reputation in open source.
We use this information to produce a score (DevRank) which reflects your part in growing the project's popularity. Your DevRank combines scores from all the projects you've contributed to, and hence a higher value reflects more impact and importance within the open-source community.
This is the score we show on the leaderboards: the higher your position, the more important your contributions are to the community.
To learn about how we compute DevRank, click here.
To Note:
- DevRank is currently computed once a week. You'll see a notification in Quine when your DevRank increases.
- Your DevRank rises with the popularity of the projects you contribute to, and may rise slowly, but can continue to rise long after you commit.